How to Download Garageband APK for android?

Garageband is indeed an amazing app for creating music but if you are an android user, Garageband cannot help you. While Apple has only created the app for iOS, you can get it on Android by downloading an apk file of the app. It might sound tricky but the process is actually very simple. In this article, we’ll be taking a look at how to download Garageband for android and a few features of Garageband.

Recently, we published a guide on how to download GarageBand for PC.

Steps to Download Garageband APK for Android

Downloading the Garageband apk for using it on android devices is not too difficult. Just follow the steps mentioned below and you’ll be all set to create amazing music using Garageband on an Android device.

  • First, you will have to download the apk file for Garageband. It is available anywhere on the internet and feels free to click the link below for a faster find.
  • The download process will take a while, so just wait for the file to be completely downloaded and then open it by clicking on it.
  • When that’s done, you should see the steps to install on the screen.
  • Follow the given steps and complete the installation process.
  • To have access to Garageband on your android device, you will have to allow third-party apps on the device.
  • That’s it, you are done downloading and installing Garageband onto your android device. All that’s left to do is create great music by taking advantage of the wide range of different features.

Now that you guys have an idea about how to download Garageband on an android device, let’s take a look at some cool features on Garageband that you should check out.

A few Features of Garageband

There is quite a bit of stuff you should check out so let’s get into them one after the other.

1. Midi editing

Garageband on android allows you to import MIDI files and edit them in a piano roll or in notation style. You also have the ability to edit various aspects of the note that you have recorded. Garageband compiles with MIDI and this is the reason you can edit even the small aspects like pitch, velocity, etc. This feature is very useful if you will be doing some deep edits.

2. Instruments

Garageband has a ton of software instruments that sound very realistic. You get access to virtual, sampled synthesizers and instruments, all of which are created on software. You can do tons of stuff like play live music and apply some creativity to make your original compositions. This feature is an amazing inclusion because most people that are just starting out with music might not have different kinds of instruments to add to their songs.

3. Audio unit extensions

If you are a beginner, the name of this feature might not speak much about the use. Audio unit extensions give you access to recording amazing performances in the app, there’s more, you can do this with music that is third-party.

4. Recording audio (of course)

Garageband for Android is capable of recording various tracks of music just like a DAW and a music sequencer. You have a choice with the resolution as well, Garageband allows you to record music at 16-bit and 24-bit resolution. Apart from the basic features, you can take your music to the next level by using audio filters and other effects like reverb, echo, and more.

5. Audio loops

With Garageband, whether on android or iOS, a user has access to a wide range of pre-made audio loops. You are not stuck to using the same exact audio loop, edits and effects can be added to the pre-made audio loops to fit your music needs.

6. 3d touch

This is a really cool feature that allows you to play keyboard sounds parallel to aftertouch.

Final words

Garageband is a very amazing app for small artists or beginners at music. It is very true that android devices are way cheaper than iOS and if you are an android user, we hope that this article was helpful to get Garageband on android devices. You can use different kinds of musical effects and instrumental sounds for your songs and other projects for free without costing a dime.

Might be interesting: Best Garageband Alternatives for Windows


Hello Readers! My name is Andy Cage, and I am the founder of I have completed my master's in music from Berklee College of music, Boston, and providing all music-related services professionally. I have been using Garageband Software for the last 7 years for all professional editing, so I thought to share my experience with music lovers through my blog. I love to discuss new things always about the music.

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